We said YES! (to be fair – I said yes again and whew, Kiri agreed]
Never underestimate the power of saying yes – and creating like mad towards new adventures!
Context – because I often forget to give it!...
One of our amazing regulars Marama Salsano and her talented fellow Indigi-nerd (< such a cool kupu / word!) Hāwea [Ammon] Apiata asked a simple question – do you want to present with us at a cool Indigenous conference?
Oooohhh – it’s in Sydney? We have to put in an abstract. Gulp – sure why not?
What an adventure it was.
From the writing of an abstract...(I’m someone who is really happy to sit un-noticed in the corner, and be anonymous, really, I am!)
The challenge it gave us to put words to paper and own our superpowers, to learning more about our co-presenters (seriously – google them! amazing creatives!) to creating and working like mad to be able to take the time and make the income.
As you may have realised by now Kiri and I are both passionate about creativity and connection and while we have many other superpowers in our professional kete, one thing this had not yet included is presenting at conferences.
Cultural Studies of Australasia Conference 2024: Anti-Colonial Futures and Representation
Here's the formal stuff...
"Marama Salsano, Kiri Leach, Julz Nonoa & Ammon Hawea Apiata - Our panel responds to colonial narratives by re-storing, re-storying and healing our bodies through poetry, art and play…
…Together Kiri Leach and Julz Nonoa, have created a physical space, Whare Hau Tutū, where mistakes are innovation, play is normal, and connection is celebrated."
This is not a paper…
To begin our panel, Kiri facilitated the creation of zine content by inviting all of those attending to consider their response to and takeaway from the conference, and to spend the time while we were presenting to create their own creative response using the paper, fabric, magazine pages and sharpies on their tables.
Our panel bought a creative lense as to how every day we use creativity to connect and re-connect both to and through mahi toi. How we are inherently and intrinsically creative beings and of the magic that happens as we engage with the creative process.
Societal barriers and creative fears relax as we engage with any medium and become immersed in our personal and collective journeys of re-storing, re-storing and healing.
We shared stories of you, the amazing whanau who walk through the doors at Whare Hau Tutū, stand on the doormat and state – ‘WTF is this place’! and we reply – Welcome home.
Stories of healing, of wellness, of laughter, tears, coffee, kai and line dancing. Of sewing, of printing, drawing, glueing, knitting, sleeping and connecting, of how all of these moving parts contribute to the magic of the creative process.
At the end of the panel, we collected all of the amazing creative responses and collated and sewed them into a zine. This was then presented to the organisers as a thank you, ngā mihi, an evaluation and a reminder to all as to how creating, leads to our inherent connection, expression and wellness.
A huge mihi to Marama and Hāwea for asking and trusting our vibe. To the team at CSSA who put the conference together and hosted. The biggest thank you goes to everyone who has and who will walk through the doors of Whare Hau Tutū and trust the magic of creating.
Nā Julz