Laura is a māmā of two beautiful girls and is a whiz at making engaging content. Laura has volunteered her time to the whare from before we opened and she’s still here!
Laura has been an absolute joy to have to push the limits on these aunties to share engaging content with you. She loves the camera, more videos than photos and rocks the out the gate ideas for reels when Kiri gets too boring😉. She loves showing our true selves [cos who wants to be an influencer – mmmm not us!] The laughs, the looks, the jiving, the challenges and the good sh*t always.
What have we learnt with all this digital media stuff:
• take photos in 16:9
• use ‘Live’ on your phone to get a small video snippet,
• videos always!
• take a video or picture of the damn thing!
• if we want stuff done, don’t give it in pieces, once is good…sorry Laura.
• Julz is sneaky taking videos and pics
• Kiri hates being in videos and pics
• Laura loves being in videos and pics
• Tuihana loves mocking us taking videos and pics
• Meta is a necessary evil to connect with our people
• Meta still sux
• We couldn’t do this without Laura!
• And we need to get up with the play…damn it
Looking forward to another year Laura!
If anyone is keen to explore how you can evolve your social media content, Laura is your woman! Reach out and we can connect you! Email us at